Category: Tips

Hiding the Visual Header Box

In an exciting bit of news today, Microsoft announced the ability to remove the gray box that appears around visualizations.  This can be done in...


One of the best features of Power BI is the ability to add drilldowns on data.  This allows the user to dive deeper into certain...

How to Count Distinct in a Pie Chart

Recently, I created this pie chart based on distinct counts in Power BI.  This was interesting simply because I didn’t think that there would be...

Formatting a Count in Power BI

In my opinion, Power BI has an odd quirk in which you are unable to format a Count or Count Distinct.  Often when I’m working...

Embedding Power BI Dashboard in a Website

Microsoft has made it easy to publish dashboards publicly on the web.  All you need is a completed dashboard and a website destination and you’re...

Rotating Text Boxes in Power BI

Power BI has added a lot of customization and features and Microsoft continues to roll out new customizations each month. Though most elements of a...